Diagnostic Testing Issues

Advion 2022 Issue Briefs:


Expand Medicare Beneficiaries’ Access to Digital Health, Including Telehealth & Remote Patient Monitoring  (Feb 2022)


Support the Stabilizing Medicare Access to Rehabilitation and Therapy (SMART) Act of 2021 (H.R. 5536) (Feb 2022)


Hospital Observation Status Harms Beneficiaries' Access to Medicare's Skilled Nursing Benefit


Advion's Diagnostic Testing Committee addresses issues related to diagnostic testing, imaging and portable x-ray. Committee priorities include:

  • Preserving access to critical bedside laboratory services for nursing facility & homebound patients;
  • Tracking rulemaking such as updates to the Physician Fee Schedule that impact lab and portable x-ray reporting and fees; and
  • Advocating for updates to the travel allowance and related reimbursement for costs incurred in collecting patient samples from patients in nursing homes or the home setting.

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